Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What Sophie wants for her 5th Birthday

Sophie wants a White Puppy for her birthday this year. When her Great Grandmother asked her what she wanted to do for her Birthday party her response was she wanted a White Puppy. Well Daddy and Mommy say NO (for now). Last week grandma had six white puppies. I am sure there is a Birthday puppy in the lot. I told her I would keep her puppy at my house she says she will keep her in her room. Last Saturday I asked Sophie what she would name a White Puppy? She whispered in my ear Pearl. Yesterday, she saw and held one of the puppies I asked her again the puppies name. Pearl she told me. Her mother asked her on the way home, "Sophie where did you get the name Pearl"? Her response "From a Clam!" So it is Pearl. How could one deny a little White Pearl to a five year old?-----NOT ME

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ruby puppies at 5 days

We are getting bigger everyday

Elizabeth's pups are here

3 boys 3 girls really pretty pups here is "Sixer" he was the 6th pup born

Squirt and Sophie

dogs NEED kids

Friday, May 8, 2009

First Photos of Ruby Babies

The little fluffs to be are growing slowly but doing very well.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Diva does her job

Ruby Puppies are here

Ruby puppies arrived yesterday 3 boys 3 girls. Photo to follow

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Miss Margarita "Rita"

Rita took the major Sunday she has seven pts and a major. Makes our Cinco de Mayo happy with our On the Rocks with Salt girl. Photos to follow

Monday, May 4, 2009

What Would You Do???

Saturday there was a judge change at the Utah Valley Kennel Club shows. The judge that replace the orginal judge is a person I ABHOR, detest, despise. I do not like their ethics and told them 16 years ago they would NEVER touch one of my dogs again. Well here was my dilemma. Do I break majors upsetting my fellow competiors or do I show my dogs knowing I will not be judged fairly in the ring?? Well I did not break the majors but I will not be as considerate next time. I am still angry I had to compromise my values and let that person touch my dogs.